Seven Seas Playing Cards - Rare Unbranded Edition Playing Cards by Brain Vessel
Seven Seas Playing Cards - Rare Unbranded Edition Playing Cards by Brain Vessel
Seven Seas Playing Cards - Rare Unbranded Edition Playing Cards by Brain Vessel
Seven Seas Playing Cards - Rare Unbranded Edition Playing Cards by Brain Vessel

Brain Vessel

Seven Seas Playing Cards - Rare Unbranded Edition

The Un branded variant of the Seven Seas Playing Cards by Brain Vessel is the third and final variant of the Bicycle Seven Seas Playing Cards
Limited to 1000 decks only the Un-Branded Limited Edition Deck features numbered seals and has a embossed treasure trunk designed tuck box.
Printed by USPCC this deck contains the same designs as the Seven Sea card designs.
This item was printed in 2014 and is SOLD OUT!
Inspired by tales of the sea, these enchanted playing cards tell stories of well-noted pirates and sailors throughout history that combated some of the world’s greatest sea monsters and encountered legendary ghost ships.
The deck is made up of 54 vintage looking cards and divided into two colors: blue representing the dangerous and darker legends of the sea, while the red represents its heroes.